Friendly Visiting

Many older people face the risk of social isolation, but this risk is even more pronounced for LGBTQ+ elders, who are twice as likely to live alone, twice as likely to be single, and 3 to 4 times less likely to have children, compared to their non-LGBTQ+ peers. Homebound or neighborhood-bound LGBTQ+ older people can often have little weekly contact with the outside other than visits with health professionals and virtually no contact with members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our Solution

Friendly visiting programs are a proven way to alleviate this isolation and rebuild communities across generations. The SAGE Friendly Visitor program, founded in 1979 and the first of its kind in the U.S., matches volunteers from the community with LGBTQ+ elders(“Friends at Home”) to form relationships that are mutually rewarding and build community.

When an elder (Friend at Home) expresses interest in the Program, a social worker makes a home visit to assess the need for SAGE’s services, including the Friendly Visitor Program. If appropriate, they are then assigned a Friendly Visitor Volunteer. Friendly Visitor volunteers are carefully screened and fully trained. They commit to spending at least one year with their assigned Friend at Home, visiting once a week and following up between visits via phone or email. In addition, volunteers receive one-on-one supervision and are required to attend bi-monthly support meetings.

If you or someone you know is an LGBTQ+ elder who could benefit from these services, please email us at the button below or call us at 646-660-8955. For more information, click here to view our program brochure and flyer.


How it Works for Volunteers

Friendly Visitor volunteers are carefully screened and fully trained. Those who become Friendly Visitors have made a commitment to at least one year of involvement with the client. They visit once a week for an hour or two and make calls between visits. They also attend supportive and educational meetings every other month.

In recent months, Friendly Visiting has seen a large influx of volunteers. At the moment, we are currently not accepting new volunteer applications. Please check back, as we will reopen our volunteer applications when spots are available.

Ready to get in touch?

If you are an elder seeking placement in the Friendly Visiting program, please email us at [email protected] or call 646-660-8955. Volunteer applications are closed at this time.